Flame Proof and Non Flame Proof types of goods lifts are suitable for wall type canopy as well as self-supporting steel structure. KaneXT has unique arrangement of providing four “T” guides for balanced loading and guide rollers for smooth and efficient drive. The goods lift is being operated by push button station fixed outside the cage on respective floors.
![Cage Hoist Arrangement 1 flame proof](https://kanextequipments.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/flame-proof-1018x1024.jpg)
![Cage Hoist Arrangement 2 image 024](https://kanextequipments.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/image-024.jpg)
The floor doors are provided with mechanical and electrical locking arrangement. Hence unless floor door is closed properly, lift cannot be started. additional gravity limit switch is provided for extra safety. In case of failure of over hoisting limit switch, power will be cut off by gravity limit switch upon over traveling of the cage. Every single rope is having rated capacity with min. 6 F.S. which in four fall construction will provide four times the required F.S. Hence even in case of breakage of 3 wire ropes out of 4. the cage will not fall. This is extra safety over any other conventional similar type goods lift The cage is made of rolled steel sections and sides are covered with bumped sheets. Cage top is covered with M.S. Sheets and bottom is covered with chequered plate for antiskid property. Collapsible doors are provided on cage as per entry and exit position. The cage is being guided with rollers on “T” guide rail. Antifriction bearings are provided for smooth and efficient traveling with low friction and longer life.
Cage Hoist Arrangement
Updated on 2023-10-13T11:44:12+00:00, by admin.